years of support

Policy recommendations

The Policy recommendations report aims to propose actions to favour the implementation of Trauma-Informed-Care to better support women victims of violence in Europe and to implement prevention strategies to overcome the longer term consequences of violence.

Based on the findings of national research and through exchanges during consultation workshops with representatives of other non-governmental women’s organizations that provide support to women survivors of violence, all partner organizations created a document containing recommendations for decision-makers, of which we highlight:

• Mandatory education about trauma as a consequence of violence and the provision of care based on knowledge about trauma;

• Necessary education at all levels of health and social care, the police and the judiciary;

• Improvement of the quality of services for women who have experienced violence, basing them on the principles of TIC;

• Ensure that the experts in the working groups have both technical and practical knowledge of care based on trauma knowledge;

• Introduce mandatory training on secondary trauma and how to overcome it;

• Ensure regular and adequate support for women’s civil society organizations that provide shelter services for women, counseling and other services to women who have experienced violence, which are based on the principles of TIC;

• Ensure multi-sectoral cooperation between stakeholders in the judiciary and women’s shelters and counseling centers;

• Ensure regular monitoring based on TIC principles for all employees who work with trauma victims.

Read the full report, including reports from each partner organization, on how to better implement GBV Trauma-Informed-Care in Europe, by opening the attachment below:

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Autonomous Women's House Zagreb
Email: azkz@azkz.hr
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Every weekday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
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