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Autonomous Women’s House Zagreb held the first coordination meeting of partners in the EU project #Care4Trauma

The Autonomous Women’s House Zagreb hosted the first coordination meeting of partners in the EU project #Care4Trauma, which was held in Zagreb on November 16, 2022, in the premises of the Center for Women’s Studies.

In the first part of the meeting, the operational part of the project was discussed, and in the second part, which was held in the afternoon, a meeting was held with the members of the Women’s Network of Croatia.

The Care4Trauma project is aimed at improving support services for victims of gender-based violence and the system of help and support based on trauma informed care approach (TIC).

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Autonomous Women's House Zagreb
Email: azkz@azkz.hr
VAT: 25904655993
P.P. 19 10001 Zagreb
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Every weekday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The phone number is: 116016